Monday, May 13, 2024

(Dress) Code Red!

 So, this week I worked some more on the red dress content: I wrote 3 smaller, repeatable scenes (you can select one each night) and I fixed a few things, making sure that picking the dress while in Golden Leaf would still make sense. The scenes will all take place in Tarkas, regardless of where you dress up, to keep things simpler, and this wraps up the red dress content nicely, I think.

If you saw the Patreon hotfix release, you can probably figure out I was busy with some bugfixing as well. Sometimes I forget how easy it is to get blindsided by issues if you aren't careful when using VX Ace.

I did some work on the new quest, although not as much as I hoped (thanks to the bug hunting). I think once I wrap this quest up, the game will be more or less finished: I am trying to remember if there is anything left blantantly incomplete, and I am coming up with a blank. I might sneak in a couple of small quests (just to beef up chapter 5), some more scenes, but that should be it, unless I am forgetting something.

If I am, let me know. I understand asking you guys is a bit "unprofessional", but honestly I have been working on Caliross long enough now that it's getting harder to keep track of everything, and I don't exactly experience the game the way players would, so sometimes things get blurry.

Anyway, see you next week for another recap! :)

Monday, May 06, 2024

The Girl In Red

 It's been a while, since I once again skipped a post (it didn't make sense to write one that close to the release). Last week, I worked a bit on TOTDC 2, actually (I hadn't done so in a few months). I finally bit the bullet and updated to the latest version of Ren'py, which meant having to fix a few things that broke in the process, so it was relatively boring work, just to future proof things a bit better.

I did do some work on the CGs for Caliross (monthly preview coming soon TM), as well as write a new scene for the red dress. I also made sure Catherine would react to you wearing the red dress in all the scenes, if she is still in charge.

Coming up next is more work on the final quest for Golden Leaf, first and foremost. Depending on how much progress I make, I'll spend the rest of my time writing new scenes. I'd have to look over the academy a second time, but I think one scene for Gabriel and something for the cheerleading content in general should bring that section to a close, and I think that's pretty much it for the academy, unless I am forgetting something (and make sure to let me know if I am).

If there are quality of life improvements or other small, miscellaneous stuff you'd like to see, make sure to make suggestions on that front (as those are hard to identify for me, since I don't play the game as a regular player would). I will try to find some time for these as well.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Keep an eye out for more news, and I'll see you all next time! ^_^

Sunday, April 28, 2024

April Update

 The new update* is out! I'd buy that for a dollar**! Well, I would if this version wasn't free anyway. Get the game here or at Check the changelog here, if you like numbers going up!

*I mean, the old update is also out, but why would you want to talk about that one?

**The lowest tier on Patreon to access the patrons-only build is $2, however.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Preparing For Take Off

 So, this week I wrote 3 new scenes: another scene for the Queen of Hearts (I added a use for the "domme outfit" you can select when you go to the VIP area), I wrote a new scene for Professor Selina at the academy (a new "special lesson" can be triggered now when talking to her) and a new scene with Tania in Rahib (this was probably long overdue).

Other than that I did some more work on the Golden Leaf quest. It's taking me a bit longer than I wanted, because I originally had this idea for a final section in a different area, but I feel like it doesn't quite make sense given the story, so I am flip-flopping on whether I should try to accomodate that part (because I think it would work well gameplay-wise) or if I should just take more time to think of a different final section. I can't really work on the map until I decide on it, so it's holding up some of the work I could do right away, otherwise.

Anyway, having said all that, the game is scheduled to be updated this weekend. I should try to hit the testers in the next couple of days with the current build, and then I'll do the usual "rush to add what I can " in the final days before the release.

Keep an eye out for it! See you soon with the update! ^_^

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Forget Monday, Embrace Tuesday

 I posted the Patreon polls and art preview yesterday, so of course I had to forget the weekly report. Anyway, we got a new scene with Alec, a new scene at the QoH (involving many sexy ladies, including Erica) and I got some work done on the Golden Leaf quest (it's still early stages so far).

The plan is still the same, so expect a few more scenes and other miscellaneous stuff to be added this week, as I sift through my "to-do" list (I have a few decisions to make regarding the sexy red dress, maybe add a way to avoid the "bimbo accident" when helping Janet, and other assorted tweaks of that nature, to give you an idea).

If you guys have questions or suggestions (especially for QoL stuff) make sure to leave a comment. Can't guarantee it will be possible to implement, but I am willing to consider any and all improvements (assuming they aren't gargantuan tasks).

Until next week! ^_^

Monday, April 08, 2024

The Ghost of Week Past


Last week I didn't write a dev blog (didn't seem worthwhile, that close to the release), but of course we are back to give you guys an idea of what's going on.

So far, I fixed a bug with the chess mini-quest (it wouldn't count reading the book properly, thus making it impossible to beat the general), I also fixed an issue with one of the scripts I am using (I believe it could rarely cause crashes, although I only had one report of this and couldn't trigger the issue myself).

Then I moved on to some miscellanous stuff: the haste amulet now doesn't prevent spellcasting outside of combat (so players don't have to switch out of it for puzzle solving), I added a section for the Outcasts to the ending slideshow (art still pending) and I tweaked the random scene in Tarkas where you meet the Outcast who gave you Marintas's charm (assuming you have it, of course): now the dialogue will reflect the outcome of the questline if you completed it, and I introduced a few minor improvements to the presentation of the scene.

I also started working on some Alec content, but since it required a new map first I didn't get to write any new scenes just yet.

The idea for the month is to keep writing some scenes and tackle other secondary elements I should include in the game as I make more progress on the final quest for Golden Leaf, getting enough work done to ensure I can eventually release it a month or two from now (depending on how much progress I make on it versus how much work I do on the QoL/secondary scenes side of things).

This week we should also get the monthly patrons-only polls and art preview, and I think that's all I have to report for now. As always, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Until next time! ^_^

Saturday, March 30, 2024

March Update

 The new hit from mdqp* is here! People were clamoring in the streets**, so we had to release this version today. Get the game here or at Check the changelog here, support me if you like the game, but most importantly, have fun! ^_^

*Who is this guy?

**I mean, not for Caliross, but I saw a few people bickering on my way home yesterday.